Legal Case Management Template

Use this template

Our case management template is built to maximize efficiency, oversight, and profitability within legal firms.


Built-in Database

100% customizable

Works on all devices

Share documents, manage costs, and track performance, with our powerful, intuitive platform.

Law firms and legal departments face a huge number of hidden costs. Admin tasks, internal communications, and inefficiencies quickly eat into profit margins. Streamlined case management is the key to consistent profits.

An effective case management tool reduces admin time, human error, and unnecessary meetings. With Budibase, you can create fully customized case management software, in minutes.

What is case management software?

Law firms use case management software to track and manage workloads, documents, costs, project delivery, and more. This means centralizing case data and resources, as well as automating workflows to maximize efficiency.

A key priority is managing costs. This means delivering the best possible outcomes in each case while remaining within agreed budgets.

The goal is achieving maximum ROI, across all cases and projects.

Case management software achieves this in two ways:

  1. Providing oversight of project spending.
  2. Reducing and eliminating unnecessary operational costs.

Legal workflows are some of the most admin-intensive of any business function.

Even simple legal tasks include extensive analysis, approval processes, information sharing, and communications. In the past, this has made workflow automation difficult within legal departments.

Case management software is the first step towards overcoming this.

Digitizing your workflows allows you to identify pain points, inefficiencies, and opportunities for improvement. This means simplifying admin processes and leveraging automations to reduce operational costs.

Case Management Template Home Screen

What should case management tools contain?

At a basic level, case management software is made up of two elements:

  1. A back-end data layer for storing information and resources on cases, clients, and tasks.
  2. A front-end interface for accessing, managing, and analyzing this data.

The data layer stores case details, including specifications, budgets, relevant documents, stakeholders, and costs incurred. Your team can then use the app’s front-end to access, edit, and manage these details.

The most effective case management tools offer additional functionality, including automated actions, high levels of usability, and integration with third-party tools.

Every legal department has unique processes. As such, case management tools must offer high levels of customization. To deliver ROI, case management software should fully match your existing workflows.

Our legal case management template is a fully deployable solution, with total scope for customization. Use our leading open-source, low-code platform to tailor our template to your specific needs.

Out of the box, our template offers:

  • Complete customization.
  • Tailored workflows.
  • Process automation.
  • Intuitive UI.
  • Access control.
  • Cost controls.
  • Responsive design.
  • Flexible hosting.
  • Document management.
  • Streamlined processes.

With our free template, you’ll have a fully deployable custom case management system, in just a few minutes.

Centralize case management data

Our case management template is the easy way to centralize information, data, documents, and resources. We’ve built our template around three linked databases for cases, case leads, and timesheets.

Quickly update project budgets, spending, requirements, documentation, statuses, and more.

Use our template to categorize and organize cases and resources. We’ve also provided functionality for calculating, analyzing, and managing spending across cases.

Legal Case management template spend calculations

Track spending and project budgets

Our template offers exceptional cost management for legal cases. Set project budgets rates for each individual case. Employees can quickly log time against projects, automatically updating the total spend in real-time.

Analyze spending by case, client, or project lead, in seconds.

Our cost management tools are based around simple formula variables. Use handlebars expressions or our built-in JavaScript editor to create custom rules. With Budibase, it’s easy to build cost controls that fully match your internal processes and billing procedures.

Role-based access control

Budibase offers fully customizable role-based access control. Assign permissions to different users, based on their location, seniority, job role, department, and more. Use simple dropdown menus to restrict or enable app screens within any permission tier.

We’ve built our template around two permission tiers. Basic users can access and manage all data relating to cases and timesheets. Admins can view analytics screens, and assign, change, edit, or remove project leads.

Customize our permission tiers to match your departmental structure. We’ve also provided two additional permission tiers, to assign access to public and power users.

Workflow automation

Our template is built to automate legal case management workflows. Trigger our library of automations using any in-app action. Use handlebars expressions, formula variables, conditional UIs, third-party integrations, or our built-in JavaScript editor to create powerful custom functions.

With Budibase, it’s easy to automate everything from project approval, to invoicing, document sharing, status reports, and more.

Add your SMTP credentials to trigger automated emails with our case management template, or connect directly to external communications tools.

Add a new case

Filtering and searchability

Filter, search, and locate key case information, in seconds. We’ve provided dynamic filter components throughout our case management solution. Filter listings pages, based on any combination of variables.

Use a range of simple and numerical filter expressions to find the exact entries you need, across all back-end datasets.

With simple exact-match queries, our dynamic filters can be used as powerful search forms. Quickly access key data, resources, and information for any case, client, or project.

Analytics and visualization

Our case management template offers advanced analytics and data visualization. We’ve provided in-depth charts for analyzing spending, budgets, and hours used across all cases and projects.

Use dynamic filtering to group and analyze cases, based on their project lead, client, budget, and more.

We’ve also added budget snapshots to each individual case’s detail screen, providing quick and easy insights into expenditure.

Case Management Template Analytics Screen

Responsive design

Like all Budibase tools, our case management template is entirely mobile-friendly. All design elements are fully responsive, automatically scaling to fit perfectly on any screen. Our components are also tested for key accessibility standards.

Ensure maximum adoption and ROI, by giving your team a case management tool that works perfectly, wherever they go.

Budibase is the smart way to build mobile-friendly web applications.

Manage cases with Budibase

Budibase is the fast and cost-effective way to build custom case management software. Our open-source, low-code platform offers complete customization and flexibility, with unparalleled development times.

Companies around the world choose Budibase for:

  • Open-source design.
  • Scalability.
  • Fast deployment.
  • Custom RBAC.
  • Flexible hosting.
  • Mobile-responsive apps.
  • Security.
  • Automation.
  • Integrations.
  • Free SSO.
  • External data support.
  • Total customization.
  • Built-in JavaScript editor.

With Budibase, you can create fully custom business apps , in as little as five minutes.

Open-source, low-code solutions

At Budibase, we’re on a mission to transform the way businesses build software. The rise of low-code tools has massively reduced the barriers to procuring custom tools. Say goodbye to excessive development fees, or settling for sub-par off-the-shelf solutions.

Build deployment-ready, feature-packed tools in minutes, or use one of our app templates as a starting point.

We also offer enterprise support packages and SLAs. Check out our pricing page for more information.

Legal Case management template timesheets

External database support

Budibase offers extensive support for external data sources. Connect your tools to existing data, using MySQL, MSSQL, Postgresql, Oracle, Airtable, RestAPI, CouchDB, MongoDB, S3, and more.

We also offer our own built-in database. Use direct CSV uploads to centralize and unify spreadsheet data.

Flexible hosting

Choose self-hosting or our cloud deployment platform for your Budibase tools. Deploy our case management template to your own infrastructure, using Kubernetes, Docker, Docker Compose, Digital Ocean, and more.

Self-hosted Budibase tools are the perfect solution for businesses that need advanced levels of security.

Third-party integrations

Budibase offers extensive support for third-party app integrations . Connect to external tools, using Zapier, RestAPI, and more. Our open-source, low-code platform sits perfectly alongside a huge variety of existing tools.

Connect to approval apps , invoicing software, client portals , project management platforms, communications platforms, and more. Use in-app actions to trigger automations in external software, for fully streamlined workflows.


Organizations around the world choose Budibase to secure even the most sensitive data. Cyber security is a top risk factor for modern legal departments. Budibase is the smart choice for data protection.

We also offer free SSO across all of your tools, as well as support for OAuth and OpenID.

Manage case leads


Law firms face constant change, emerging threats, and new challenges. Your software must evolve to reflect this. Budibase tools are built to scale. Quickly add screens, functionality, users, and data, without excessive downtime.

Say goodbye to expensive custom builds and waiting for the features you need. With Budibase, you can build the perfect solutions for your business, at a fraction of the cost of traditional development.

Start using Budibase today

At Budibase, we’re on a mission to build the world’s largest ecosystem of open-source tools. Our low-code platform is the smart choice for creating deployable, feature-rich custom software, in as little as five minutes.

Our case management template is ready to deploy, use, and customize.

To get started today, simply click below.

Deployment options

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Budibase Cloud

Host with Budibase and let us manage everything for you - easiest and quickest way.

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Deploy Budibase to your own infrastructure using Docker and Docker Compose.

Budibase icon


Use the Budibase helm chart to deploy Budibase directly into your Kubernetes cluster.

Budibase icon

Digital Ocean

The simplest and quickest way to self-host Budibase on your own infrastructure - 1 click install.